Author Antionette Campbell
ISBN # 978-1615792900
"From a Legend and Kingdom of Darkness into Poems of Hope" by Author Antionette Campbell, comes an amazing true story of triumph over indescribable and horrific tragedy. Antionette Campbell's life was filled with abuse from a very young age. Then at the age of 11 she witnessed a heart wrenching crime perpetrated against her mother by her drunken father. In a rage, her father stabbed her mother 3 times in the head as she watched her mother lifeless and what seemed to be left for dead. Exasperating the event, her and the other siblings were put into foster care. Subsequently, as time approached Antionette was forced to testify against her own father.
As the author began to share her heart and trials, this brilliant combination of poetry and story was the outlet to her healing from the pit of despair that entrapped her most of her life. God's saving grace compelled her to fill the beautifully written pages in giving hope to the end to those that are wounded and broken spiritually.
Antionette Campbell has done various interviews and radio shows to include Joyce Bender on Disability Matters, Cornerstone Television Network, Word FM, Moms on a Mission to Stop Violence just to name a few. Also is a member and speaker for RAINN (Rape, Abuse, Incest, National Network). In going "On Tour" with her book has expanded in attending at the national events such as the 2011 International Christian Retail Show and 2011 Frankfurt International Book Fair.
Antionette Campbell declares the healing power of Christ. She states that it doesn't matter who you are, how deep you have fallen into despair or how tight the chains of bondage are around you, God's power will set you free. Transforming you from the inside into a new journey that's only found in Christ. The testimonials of this proof resonates continually through those letters she's received that have encountered and embraced the availability of God's hand in this book for us all.
Author Antionette Campbell is available for various speaking engagements to include youth camps, churches, schools and women conferences as well. She is open to both national and international engagements. Some of the proceeds will be allocated to the Washington City Mission.
Contact information for Antionette Campbell is: P.O.Box 4131, Washington, Pa. 15301 She can be reached by cell phone at 412.216.2806. Her email address is: poemsofhope@gmail.com.
You may also visit the authors website at http://www.antionettecampbell.com/ and you can find her book From a Legend and Kingdom of Darkness into Poems of Hope on Amazon in hardcover, paperback and Kindle Edition.
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