Stating the truth in love, No Innocent Affair is written with compassion and mercy. The author is concerned that this 21st century plague has become such an epidemic, therefore, compelling the writing of this book so that help and guidance can be offered to the many that are being led to the slaughter in droves by the sin of adultery and some without their knowledge.
As the author reiterates over and over, there is hope. There is a way out. There is truth and life to be found, but only in Jesus Christ. For there is one hope, and that one hope is the forgiveness of sins through Jesus Christ.
This is a wonderful truth that God's grace and mercy by far out weighs judgment for those whom turn to Jesus Christ for the forgiveness of sins. It is the author's hopes that many an eye would be opened and likewise that many will come to salvation through repentance and step into the light of the Lord, versus walking in darkness. This book offers no excuses, nor apologies, but gives the truth of the Word of God.
No Innocent Affair
· Perfect Paperback: 200 pages
· Publisher: Tate Publishing (September 20, 2011)
· Language: English
· ISBN-10: 1617777684
· ISBN-13: 978-1617777684
Other books released by Edward F. Mrkvicka Jr. include - Be Not Deceived and The Prayer Promise of Christ. You may also find No Innocent Affair on Amazon.
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